The Truth Behind Jessica Kobeissi

Jessica Kobeissi  is a self taught fashion photographer based out of Detroit. She runs a youtube channel where she takes you on a journey through her photographic career, giving tips, tricks, and techniques along the way.  

I want to first preface by giving her a big shout-out and thank you not only for taking the time out of her busy schedule to film this, but for being a good mentor and friend. As someone who is on a similar path to her, I have found many challenges and questions that only someone with more experience could answer. 

What was supposed to be a quick shoot ended up being a day filled with adventure, drama, and MURDER! 

Right after the shoot was done, we all grabbed a quick bite to eat I gave Jessica and Irene a ride to their Air bnb only to discover that there were police all around and the entire block was closed off. Apparently there had been a shooting on their block. Not only that but the shooter was still running around with a gun!

Jessica actually vlogged about it, you can check it out here -> Jessica's vlog

Irene ended up missing her flight back to Canada, Jessica's stylist was in the air bnb right next door to the shooting and we ended up going to the movies and getting nutella pancakes. 

Everybody in our group was ok, thankfully, all's well that ends well.



Go follow her to learn more about photography. 



Check out the full interview below:


3 Photographers Shoot the Same model


A look into - "Organic"